6. European Anthropology Days 15-17th of February 2024
Contribute with public actions to the first edition of the European Anthropology Days.

The first edition of the European Anthropology Days will take place on the 15-17th of February 2024, thus resonating also with AAA World Anthropology Day to be held on the 15th of February 2024. If you plan to organise local or national events that promote anthropology towards the wider public on or (exceptionally for this first edition) around these days, please send us a title, paragraph of description of the event, an image, the date and place, a link to local webpage if available, to the contact address: web.admin(at)nomadit.co.uk, email title: EA Days.
We shall promote the event via the new page dedicated to the EA Days and social media before the event, and share images and texts after the event, among members and as part of our lobbying and outreach strategy. EASA thanks all the national associations for their implication, support, feedback and follow up of this initiative, which is crucial for its promotion and sustainability.