2. EASA Strategy in the making
The Executive aim to have a strategy ready for feedback soon

At the December AGM we informed you about our plan to finalise EASA’s mid-term strategy. The first steps of this process were undertaken during a retreat of the Executive Committee in October 2023. We identified several directions of action that need some work and input from our members, and reflected on questions like: How to ensure the inclusivity of EASA activities and foster equity and justice? Which activities of professional development to prioritise and offer to our members? How to strengthen public anthropology and diversify the flows of anthropological knowledge both within and beyond EASA? How to strengthen and further develop an infrastructure for EASA’s lobbying activities? How to mobilise and support EASA networks in their development, as well as in promoting anthropology for the general public?
A draft strategy, with developed lines of action for all these points, will be available before EASA2024 and there will be space within the AGM in Barcelona, to discuss the strategy and receive member feedback. We will then subject the strategy to a membership vote for adoption. Everyone’s input is highly appreciated and welcome!