EASA is looking for a new Treasurer: could this be you?
Do you fancy joining the Executive in this important role?

EASA seeks to appoint a new Treasurer from Autumn 2024. This is an important and influential role in which you’ll shape EASA’s long-term future. You will work closely with the President, Secretary and elected EASA committee to support the association’s strategic priorities, stewarding and deploying the association’s financial resources.
Responsibilities include: working with EASA’s administrative team in NomadIT in matters financial; presenting clear information to EASA’s Executive Committee about EASA’s finances including preparation of an annual budget; liaison with EASA’s publishers; preparing reports and presenting the annual accounts at EASA’s members forum and AGM and answering queries from members; preparing and updating documentation related to governance including EASA’s risk register; updating guidance on expenses and related documentation; liaison with EASA’s accountants who prepare the annual accounts; To achieve this the Treasurer needs to be willing to gain a good understanding of charity governance as set out by the UK’s Charity Commission.
The Treasurer is a co-opted member of the Executive Committee, a Trustee of the Charity and is also the official company secretary (although the actual secretarial work is done by EASA’s secretary). According to EASA’s constitution, the Treasurer and Secretary are appointed for up to six years. This length of term provides EASA with valuable financial and governance continuity, and also ensures that they are able to take a longer-term perspective, providing elected Trustees with support.
Essential and desirable criteria for the role are:
Essential: Experience of budget management and financial matters. Willing and eligible to be a Trustee of a Charity. Ability to travel to bank branches (UK) to present identification credentials as needed. Commitment to good governance.
Desirable: Member of EASA of good standing.
Further information: There is a detailed handover document for the new Treasurer and the current incumbent will work closely to support them during the handover period. If you are interested please send a covering email and CV to monica.heintz@parisnanterre.fr by 9 May 2024. In your letter please explain why you are interested in the role and what knowledge and skills you bring. Interviews for the role will be held at EASA’s biennial conference at Barcelona in July 2024. The Executive Committee would like the new Treasurer to take up their role in Autumn 2024. This position is by appointment rather than by election.