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8. Website redesign: *Member survey* and *Call for Photos & Videos*

We ask for your help and photos to redesign the EASA website

*Member survey*

EASA is currently working on an overhaul for the website. We aim to increase our relevance and to display the field-related info in a more coherent and structured way. We wish to turn the website into a useful tool not only for the public to discover social anthropology in Europe, but also for all our members. We wish for the website to become a useful tool to support your research, keep you up to date with the relevant news, and facilitate connection with colleagues. For this, we need your support in filling out a (short) anonymous survey regarding your experience navigating the current website and your needs for the future EASA pages. Thank you in advance to those who will gift us their insights and ten minutes of their time to help us design a better website for EASA.

Go to survey >>

In addition, we are launching a call for photographs and videos from your own research that you might be able and willing to share on the new EASA website, in order to add visually to the vibrancy of what we do as anthropologists. Photographs should be about people in the context of your research, engaged in various activities, and accompanied by information on the photograph author (copyright holder), place, and date, as well as a small blurb of 40-50 words on the context. Photographs containing faces are most impactful, but you should obtain the consent of the people who are identifiable in the photos - ideally before you share the photos with us.

Please email links to your visual material to