Message posted on 09/11/2023

Virtual Roundtable Making African(ist) Migration Research Visible (28 Nov 12h CET)

Dear all,

the Collaborative Research Group African Migration Mobility and
Displacement (AMMODI) is delighted to invite you to a
virtual roundtable on

"*Making African(ist) Migration Research Visible: Challenging the
Knowledge Production Hierarchies in Migration Research*" (28 November,
12pm CET).

To register for the event please see:

Global academia is in the midst of renewed debates and interventions
against the persistent inequalities in African and Africanist higher
education following calls for decolonising academia. Migration patterns
and policies, as well as research on them, are often deeply informed by
post-/colonial relations, and migration research has been slow in
exposing and addressing its post-/coloniality.

This roundtable therefore seeks to address the structural inequalities
embedded in Africanist migration research through a set of dialogues
between researchers, journal editors, and librarians who confront these
issues in different ways.

What are the most important actors, structures, cultures and other
barriers denying African and Africa-based scholars access to visibility
and possibilities in mainstream migration research? What are the main
grievances and aspirations of African academics in terms of their career
goals and their place in international migration scholarship? What are
examples of practices, strategies, and changes that have increased the
visibility of African(ist) migration scholarship?

Through these guiding questions, the roundtable aims to diagnose the
persistent inequalities in our field, and offer inspiration for ways to
work towards more equity and inclusivity.The roundtable will also
briefly introduce the AMMODI database of over 200 Africa-based scholars
working on migration, mobility and displacement and their work, which
aims to be one step towards increasing the visibility of African
migration research.

The event is moderated by Leander Kandilige and Faisal Garba.

For more information, please see the program attached.

Kind regards,

the AMMODI team:

Jesper Bjarnesen (Nordic Africa Institute)

Leander Kandilige (University of Ghana)

Laura Lambert (Leuphana University)

Franzisca Zanker (Arnold Bergstraesser Institute)

Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Law and Anthropology Department
06114 Halle (Saale)
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