PhD Position: Migrants, Law and the State
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Dear colleagues,
We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate for the project Migrants, Law and the= State: Transnational formations of legal consciousness between Poland, Ukr= aine and the Netherlands. More information can be found here: https://www.r= e
The Centre for Migration Law is seeking a talented and highly motivated PhD= candidate for the project Migrants, Law and the State: Transnational forma= tions of legal consciousness between Poland, Ukraine and the Netherlands. Y= ou will become part of an internationally renowned interdisciplinary resear= ch centre where legal scholars and social scientists work on migration-rela= ted research.
Migrants are often seen as having less trust in the state than native citiz= ens. This PhD project aims to provide new insights into migrants=92 experie= nces with law and state institutions across borders, seeking to explain mig= rants=92 trust or lack of trust in the state and their legal consciousness:= how they experience, navigate and give meaning to law and state institutio= ns. What are the experiences of migrants from different backgrounds, with d= ifferent migration statuses, and in different social positions with state i= nstitutions? What role do migration procedures play in shaping migrants=92 = legal consciousness?
As a PhD candidate you will contribute to answering these research question= s. The project will focus on migrants from Ukraine living in the Netherland= s and Poland. You will conduct fieldwork in two countries (Netherlands and = Poland), using a combination of interviews and ethnographic methods to gain= in-depth knowledge of migrants=92 experiences with law and state instituti= ons in different areas of their lives. To contextualise the fieldwork data,= you will also conduct legal research on the national and EU legal framewor= ks.
Kind regards, Iris
dr. Iris Sportel (she/her)| Associate professor | Institute for Sociology o= f Law/ Centre for Migration Law | Radboud University Nijmegen | Postbus 904= 9 6500 KK Nijmegen| Montessorilaan 10 (Grotius building) - room GR3.079 |e-= mail:|
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apologies for cross-posting
Dear colleagues,
We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate for the project Migrants, Law and = the State: Transnational formations of legal consciousness between Poland, = Ukraine and the Netherlands. More information can be found here: s/phd-position-migrants-law-and-the-state
The Centre for Migration Law is seeking a talented and highly motivated = PhD candidate for the project Migrants, Law and the State: Transnational fo= rmations of legal consciousness between Poland, Ukraine and the Netherlands= . You will become part of an internationally renowned interdisciplinary research centre where legal scholars and social= scientists work on migration-related research.
Migrants are often seen as having less trust in the state than native citiz= ens. This PhD project aims to provide new insights into migrants=92 experie= nces with law and state institutions across borders, seeking to explain mig= rants=92 trust or lack of trust in the state and their legal consciousness: how they experience, navigate and giv= e meaning to law and state institutions. What are the experiences of migran= ts from different backgrounds, with different migration statuses, and in di= fferent social positions with state institutions? What role do migration procedures play in shaping migrants= =92 legal consciousness?
As a PhD candidate you will contribute to answering these research question= s. The project will focus on migrants from Ukraine living in the Netherland= s and Poland. You will conduct fieldwork in two countries (Netherlands and = Poland), using a combination of interviews and ethnographic methods to gain in-depth knowledge of migrants= =92 experiences with law and state institutions in different areas of their= lives. To contextualise the fieldwork data, you will also conduct legal re= search on the national and EU legal frameworks.
Kind regards,
dr. Iris Sportel (she/her)| Associate professor | Institute for Socio= logy of Law/ Centre for Migration Law | Radboud University Nijmegen | Postbus 9049 6500 KK Nijmegen| Montess= orilaan 10 (Grotius building) - room GR3.079 |e-mail:|&n= bsp;