Message posted on 16/12/2024

CfP: SIEF25 Panel: Writing about mobilities: borders and public health in the climate regime

Dear all,

Our apologies for cross-posting.

We invite you to submit an abstract to our panel Writing about mobilities: =
borders and public health in the climate regime at the SIEF 2025 Congress i=
n Aberdeen, 3-6 June 2025.

Christian Ritter (Karlstad University)
Ieva Puzo (R=EFga Stradi=F1=B9 University)

Panel Abstract:
This panel assesses the epistemological politics of ethnographic (un)writin=
g about mobilities. Writing is an essential part of everyday life as well a=
s an integral element of the ethnographic research practice (Wulff, 2021). =
Ways of creating, storing and disseminating information are structured by p=
ractices of writing. On the one hand, sign boards, handwritten notes, leafl=
ets, text messages and social media posts shape the spatial organisation of=
places and the social construction of local identities in ethnographic fie=
ld sites (Barton & Papen, 2010). On the other hand, ethnographers write fie=
ld notes, reports and papers about mobile communities, corporal movement an=
d the circulation of objects, data and capital across the globe. Written do=
cuments shape how mobile subjects experience borders, moments of stasis and=
movement (Riles 2006). In this panel, we invite scholars to explore the dy=
namic tensions between written traces of movement and ethnographic writing.=
How can written accounts of mobility complement field notes? How can mobil=
e regimes be unwritten? In what ways are colonialism and contemporary mobil=
ities intertwined?

The panel encourages ethnographic researchers to explore the potential of e=
thnographic storytelling for unwriting contemporary migration and border re=
gimes. Ethnographic storytelling can challenge asymmetrical power relations=
in academia and establish transnational ethnographic collaborations, while=
transgressing conventional rules for single-person authorship. Participant=
s will be given an opportunity to discuss experimental forms of gathering a=
nd presenting ethnographic data. The panel welcomes critical reflections on=
ethnographic (un)writing for anthropological mobility research into refuge=
es, climate mobilities, health regimes and mobile labour.

Deadline: 17 Dec 2024 - Submission site:

Best wishes,
Christian and Ieva

Christian Ritter, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Department of Geography, Media and Communication
Karlstad University

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