Message posted on 10/01/2025

[HYBRID Event] Jan. 16-17 (from 10:30 SGT) “Recalibrating ‘Skill’ in Changing Immigration Regimes: Skilled Migrants and the Nature of Work in Asia” (NUS-ARI& QuaMaFA)

Dear all,

QuaMaFA (Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign
Workers in Asia) team would like to invite you to the upcoming hybrid
workshop =E2=80=9C*Recalibrating =E2=80=98Skill=E2=80=99 in Changing Immigr=
ation Regimes: Skilled
Migrants and the Nature of Work in Asia*=E2=80=9D at the National Universit=
y of
Singapore (hybrid) on *16th-17th January 2025* from 10:30 SGT. This
workshop is co-organized with the Asia Research Institute, National
University of Singapore.

Please check details and register from:

We are looking forward to seeing you online (or in Singapore).

Best regards,

Dr. Aimi Muranaka (=E6=9D=91=E4=B8=AD =E3=81=82=E3=81=84=E3=81=BF=EF=BC=89
Post-doc/ Research Associate
Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen
Tel (Germany): +49 203 379-2166
Research project website:
Latest publications:
Hof, Helena, Aimi Muranaka and Joohyun Justine Park (2024). "Employment as
an anchor: The prospects of emerging East Asian skilled migration regimes
through the lens of migrants=E2=80=99 access to the labor market". *Asian a=
Pacific Migration Journal*. DOI: 10.1177/01171968241292376

Muranaka, Aimi (2024). "Perks or burdens? Being =E2=80=9Cnearly (Im)mobile=
=E2=80=9D as IT
foreign professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan". *Contemporary
Japan*. DOI: 10.1080/18692729.2024.2410556

Wang, Aeneas Zi, Aimi Muranaka and Florian Coulmas (2024). "Immigration and
Quality of Life in Ageing Societies How Attractive for Migrants are Japan
and Germany?" Routledge
Muranaka, Aimi (2024): "Being a Foreigner During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Researcher Positionality in Online Interviews". *Forum Qualitative
Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research*, *25*(1).
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