Message posted on 13/01/2025
CfP: Coexistence as in-betweenness: everyday practices of comparison (DL 15th of January!)
Dear all,
the team of *Rethinking co-existence from the Margins (Co-Imagine)
*research project
of the University of Oulu warmly welcomes
you to submit a *max 250 word abstract *to our panel *Coexistence as
in-betweenness: everyday practices of comparison* at the biennial
conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society that will be held on *Jun=
16-18 2025 *in beautiful *Helsinki*, Finland.
The overarching conference theme is *comparisons *and keynotes will be held
by *Soumhya Venkatesan
* and *Tom
The *deadline *for abstracts is already in 2 days, *January 15th*, however,
there is a chance that the call might get extended.
Notification of acceptance will be given by 18th of February.
You can submit your abstract via the conference website
. Here is the direct link for
submissions: E-Lomake - FAS25 Conference Call for Papers
*Read our full call below:*
*Panel ID / Panel title: ID=3D16 / Coexistence as in-betweenness: everyday
practices of comparison*
How do we live together? Between growing diversity and rising inequalities,
this simple question has turned into a challenge for many European
societies. Against the backdrop of contemporary debates proclaiming the
destabilizing impact of migration on social cohesion, this panel proposes
to rethink the nexus between coexistence, migration, and societal change
from an alternative standpoint. To do so, it chooses to focus on what joins
people together and separates them from one another in the course of the
everyday. Giving prominence to what arises in8 between people, everyday
coexistence shifts the attention away from categorical identity thinking
towards the inherently open and ambivalent existential space between the
self and others. Equally made of prejudices and solidarity, connections and
separations, this existential space is navigated using interpretations that
rely on intimate relational and comparative knowledge. These evenly bring
about chauvinistic and xenophobic attitudes, and acts of solidarities
cutting-across generations, places, and social groups. Foregrounding
people=E2=80=99s everyday practices of comparison, this panel wishes to eng=
these multiple =E2=80=93 and uneven =E2=80=93 relationships and their concu=
rrent, sometimes
antagonistic interpretations of =E2=80=9Cwhat is between us=E2=80=9D. Accor=
dingly, we
invite presentations that ask, for instance: How do people use comparisons
to negotiate their joint presence in places they inhabit together? How do
they navigate shared, disputed, and negotiated interpretations of
in-betweenness to compose different experiences of coexistence? We call for
ethnographic, explorative, and experimental explorations that engage with
these or related questions.
Saara Toukolehto
Postdoctoral researcher
University of Oulu
Cultural Anthropology
view formatted text
the team of *Rethinking co-existence from the Margins (Co-Imagine)
*research project
of the University of Oulu warmly welcomes
you to submit a *max 250 word abstract *to our panel *Coexistence as
in-betweenness: everyday practices of comparison* at the biennial
conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society that will be held on *Jun=
16-18 2025 *in beautiful *Helsinki*, Finland.
The overarching conference theme is *comparisons *and keynotes will be held
by *Soumhya Venkatesan
* and *Tom
The *deadline *for abstracts is already in 2 days, *January 15th*, however,
there is a chance that the call might get extended.
Notification of acceptance will be given by 18th of February.
You can submit your abstract via the conference website
. Here is the direct link for
submissions: E-Lomake - FAS25 Conference Call for Papers
*Read our full call below:*
*Panel ID / Panel title: ID=3D16 / Coexistence as in-betweenness: everyday
practices of comparison*
How do we live together? Between growing diversity and rising inequalities,
this simple question has turned into a challenge for many European
societies. Against the backdrop of contemporary debates proclaiming the
destabilizing impact of migration on social cohesion, this panel proposes
to rethink the nexus between coexistence, migration, and societal change
from an alternative standpoint. To do so, it chooses to focus on what joins
people together and separates them from one another in the course of the
everyday. Giving prominence to what arises in8 between people, everyday
coexistence shifts the attention away from categorical identity thinking
towards the inherently open and ambivalent existential space between the
self and others. Equally made of prejudices and solidarity, connections and
separations, this existential space is navigated using interpretations that
rely on intimate relational and comparative knowledge. These evenly bring
about chauvinistic and xenophobic attitudes, and acts of solidarities
cutting-across generations, places, and social groups. Foregrounding
people=E2=80=99s everyday practices of comparison, this panel wishes to eng=
these multiple =E2=80=93 and uneven =E2=80=93 relationships and their concu=
rrent, sometimes
antagonistic interpretations of =E2=80=9Cwhat is between us=E2=80=9D. Accor=
dingly, we
invite presentations that ask, for instance: How do people use comparisons
to negotiate their joint presence in places they inhabit together? How do
they navigate shared, disputed, and negotiated interpretations of
in-betweenness to compose different experiences of coexistence? We call for
ethnographic, explorative, and experimental explorations that engage with
these or related questions.
Saara Toukolehto
Postdoctoral researcher
University of Oulu
Cultural Anthropology