Message posted on 11/03/2025
New open access book on race and migration in East Asia
I am happy to announce the publication of a new book edited by me and Milo=
Debn=C3=A1r. The title is: *Migration, Transnational Flows, and the Contest=
Meanings of Race in Asia*. It=E2=80=99s published open access by Springer. =
feel free to download a copy:
This open access edited volume addresses the multi-layered relations
between migration, transnational flows, and the contested meanings of race
in Asia. It tries to answer the following questions: how do migration and
transnational flows from the Western world impact racial knowledge
formation in Asian societies? To what extent do they challenge, perpetuate,
and reshape unequal power relations based on the intersection of race,
gender, class, nationality, citizenship, and migration status in Asia? How
are dominant Western racial categories such as race, whiteness, and
blackness redefined and reconstructed in the context of the Covid-19
pandemic, when transnational mobility became both heavily restricted and
stigmatized ? The book is divided into three parts: Race, Language and
Migration status, Covid-19 and the Dynamics of Racialization, Gender and
Interracial Encounters. This book positions itself in the nexus of race,
migration and pandemic research and will make a significant contribution to
critical race studies, whiteness studies, globalization, multiculturalism,
and social transformation in Asia.
Shanshan Lan
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
The University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Room B 5.06, PO Box 15508
1018 WV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
view formatted text
Debn=C3=A1r. The title is: *Migration, Transnational Flows, and the Contest=
Meanings of Race in Asia*. It=E2=80=99s published open access by Springer. =
feel free to download a copy:
This open access edited volume addresses the multi-layered relations
between migration, transnational flows, and the contested meanings of race
in Asia. It tries to answer the following questions: how do migration and
transnational flows from the Western world impact racial knowledge
formation in Asian societies? To what extent do they challenge, perpetuate,
and reshape unequal power relations based on the intersection of race,
gender, class, nationality, citizenship, and migration status in Asia? How
are dominant Western racial categories such as race, whiteness, and
blackness redefined and reconstructed in the context of the Covid-19
pandemic, when transnational mobility became both heavily restricted and
stigmatized ? The book is divided into three parts: Race, Language and
Migration status, Covid-19 and the Dynamics of Racialization, Gender and
Interracial Encounters. This book positions itself in the nexus of race,
migration and pandemic research and will make a significant contribution to
critical race studies, whiteness studies, globalization, multiculturalism,
and social transformation in Asia.
Shanshan Lan
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
The University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Room B 5.06, PO Box 15508
1018 WV Amsterdam, The Netherlands