Message posted on 11/03/2025

New open access book: Precarious Motherhood: Navigating relationships and support post-migration in the UK (UCL Press)

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UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a new open access boo=
k that may be of interest to list subscribers: Precarious Motherhood: Navig=
ating relationships and support post-migration in the UK by Rachel Benchekr=
Download it free:
Precarious Motherhood
Navigating relationships and support post-migration in the UK
Rachel Benchekroun
Free download:

Precarious Motherhood explores the experiences of racially minoritised moth=
ers living with insecure immigration status and financial hardship in Londo=
n, UK. It exposes the impact of hostile immigration policies and precarity =
on mothers' interpersonal relationships and access to support. The author d=
raws attention to how mothers manage the constraints they face and enact be=
longing. She then explores the impact on mothers' couple relationships, fri=
endships, adult kin relationships and faith-based networks. The book underl=
ines the vital role of personal relationships in providing access to resour=
ces and support, but also demonstrates how precariously positioned mothers =
must carefully navigate relational tensions in their everyday lives. It hig=
hlights how social infrastructure facilitates relational practices, helping=
mothers to sustain their children's wellbeing and their own.
Free download:

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