EASA Newsletter No 59 April 2013 
The newsletter is now available as an email, webpages and PDF. Click the headings below to view full articles in your browser, from where you can print or share them on Facebook and Twitter. The PDF format remains for members who like to archive offline.
At the beginning of the year EASA members voted for a new executive
committee, and they met in Tallinn in February and allocated responsibilities. Noel Salazar was elected
unanimously as President.
Letter from the President
Noel Salazar writes to the membership about the future of EASA:
The job insecurity of anthropology students and recent graduates, the precarious state of some anthropology
departments and the endangered funding of anthropological projects have made it necessary for EASA to start
lobbying at the European level.
Facebook and Twitter
The new Executive Committee is keen to activate the presence of the association on Facebook and Twitter. We are
already using these channels to promote association news and events, but wish more widely to use social media to
further the reach of anthropological interests and agendas across and abroad Europe. You can follow EASA on
Twitter and Facebook at:
twitter.com/EASAinfo and www.facebook.com/EASAinfo
seeks a new Book Series Editor
EASA seeks a new Book Series Editor to take over from James Carrier. The EASA Book
Series will be in the vanguard of ethnographic or theoretical developments in specific areas of anthropological
inquiry. It is expected that the Editor will identify and develop new and innovative directions together with a
small editorial board and the publisher.
September – October 2013
A virtual seminar pilot project which is a collaboration of four anthropological
associations, EASA/ABA/AAA/CASCA (represented by Susana Narotzky, Bela Feldman-Bianco, Monica
Heller, Marie-Nathalie LeBlanc). A multi-platform multi-lingual experiment.
Date of live event: 15th October 2013
Report on EASA’s Book Series
The series aims to publish works by members of the Association. If you are working on a monograph or edited
collection, or considering working on one, you are encouraged to communicate with the series editor, James
Carrier (jgc(at)jgcarrier.demon.co.uk), or consult the ‘book series’ part of the EASA web site.
News from the
The EASA Networks have expanded in number and become very active. This is good news for EASA as it proves the
vitality of anthropologists and their engagement both with the discipline and with the pressing problems that
beseech us. It is also an expression of growing interaction and collaboration among anthropologists in Europe
and beyond.
from members and WCAA associations
Grants, conferences, PHD studentships, organisation news; read other news items submitted by members and our
sister associations within the WCAA.