Field/Works II - Generating Ecologies of Trust
An online exhibition project, Field/Works II: Generating Ecologies of Trust, curated by ANTART members Maxime Le Calvé and Jen Clarke. Artist-anthropologists have produced multi-modal works that resonated with the conference theme.

The Art of Observation
If anthropologists are masters of the art of observation, then what kind of art can their observations inspire? This exhibition featured editorial illustrations created by artists inspired by short public anthropology articles, and builds a bridge between academia and art and highlights the transformative power of the two fields, as well as the interdisciplinary collaboration. Behind each article there is often ethnographic research work spanning several years. In a way, it could be said that at the heart of this exhibition there is a cumulative body of work spanning hundreds of years - an atypical endeavour in a world increasingly dominated by speed and quick results. Took place Tue-Fri, Facultat de Geografia i Història, 1st floor.

Architecture Of An Arch Architecture Of An Arch
Installation that explored another model of spatial limit from the trace our body leaves on the ground when it relates with other bodies — human or not. In a participatory workshop, you could build and experience cardboard architectures that arise from that conversation between bodies, exploring if and how they affect your behaviour and perception of your body.
Took place Tue-Fri, the entrance of Facultat de Geografia i Història.

The conference was hosted by the Department of Anthropology of Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Catalan and Spanish anthropology have been historically peripheral to the big schools of anthropological research, but in the last decades they have experienced a considerable development, and established an open dialogue and strong ties with European and Latin American anthropology. Call for panels was both in our local languages, Spanish and Catalan, and in EASA´s official languages, English and French.

The two main venues of the conference were the Facultat de Geografia i Història of UB and the Museu Marítim de Barcelona..

Scientific Committee

Mikel Aramburu Otazu
María Soledad Cutuli
Aníbal G. Arregui
Anna Horolets
Hege Høyer Leivestad
Ana Ivasiuc
Ruy Llera Blanes
David Mills
Irene Sabaté Muriel
Mafe Olarte-Sierra
Roger Sansi Roca (convenor of EASA2024)
Robert D. Smith
Monica Stroe

Local Committee

Mikel Aramburu Otazu
Roger Canals Vilageliu
Camila del Mármol (convenor of EASA2024)
Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez Ruiz
Aníbal G. Arregui
Fabiola Mancinelli
Raúl Márquez Porras
Isaac Marrero Guillamón
Irene Sabaté Muriel
Roger Sansi Roca (convenor of EASA2024)