The call for panels and the calls for papers, labs, films and young scholar awards are closed. The calls for proposals received a record 3800 proposals.

Convenors have marked up decisions and the transfer process will take place from 19 February, the selection of films will be announced in April. Due to the conference being oversubscribed, we are unfortunately unable to accept late proposals.

What do you mean by dual mode?

EASA2024 will be a dual mode conference: delegates have the option to attend in-person (f2f) (the larger portion of the event) and/or online (a separate day taking place on 18 July 2024), with both types of delegates able to convene, present, chair, discuss, and attend the relevant sections of the conference.

  • The face-to-face conference section will host exclusively face-to-face content apart from the keynote and plenaries which will be hybrid.

  • Online conference sessions consisting of panels submitted by convenors who have opted to run an online-only panel, with all their presenters, discussants, chairs also presenting online (via Zoom). The online conference portion will also include other events apart from panels/labs/roundtables.

This approach allows for a mix of f2f and online engagement within the conference, but not simultaneously. Consequently convenors were asked to specify f2f/online mode when proposing their panels, and this cannot be changed once panels have been selected and as the papers have also been selected.

Panel formats

Convenors must also select a panel format at the beginning of the submission process. EASA encourages the submission of various panel formats: 

  • Panel: ‘traditional’ panel with five papers per 105-minute session (up to a maximum of two sessions).
  • Roundtable: a group of scholars (no more than five) discuss themes/issues of general scholarly interest in front of (and subsequently with) an audience. While a roundtable can include short (5-10 min) provocations/presentations, the main idea is to create a lively debate, not to focus on any one presenter. You do not need to list participants in your abstract; known participants should add themselves during the Call for Papers, or you may take in unknown 'provocation/presentation' proposals during the Call for Papers and subsequently choose five of those to be on the roundtable.
  • Lightning panel: fast-paced presentation panel using Pecha Kucha, Ignite or Lightning Talks type formats.
  • Lab (Laboratory): the ultimate alternative format characterised by experimentation, collaboration, interaction, improvisation. See the call for labs here.
  • Please note that Network Panels will be identifiable by the network name in [] next to the title, for example: Doing and Undoing with Taxes [Anthropology of Tax Network]

The rules

  • Panels should have at least two co-convenors (panel organisers) from different institutions, and ideally from different countries
  • Panels must be either f2f mode (only f2f participants) or online mode (only online participants), authors presenting on the panels will need to be aware of the mode.
  • At least one of the convenors must have a PhD degree.
  • ‘Each conference role only once per person’: delegates (those attending the conference either online or in person) may only make one presentation each.*
  • All convenors and presenters (but not film-makers, discussants or chairs) must be members of EASA (during 2024), and pay their subscription before the conference. You need not conform to this rule when making your proposal, but must address it after your proposal has been accepted.
  • EASA requires all accepted panels to be open to paper proposals through the website: panels should NOT be organised as 'closed' sessions, although roundtables can be.
  • All attending the conference (whether online/f2f), including panel convenors, paper presenters, discussants and chairs, as well as listeners, will need to register and pay to attend. 
  • Panels can be in Spanish, Catalan, French or English language, but not mixed - this means that the language of the panel proposal should also be the language of the papers it accepts. 

*Multiple roles in the conference

Each participant is permitted to present a paper once, convene once (either a lab or a panel), be a discussant once (in a panel, lab or roundtable), be a chair once (in a panel, lab, or roundtable). Please note that roundtable participants are considered discussants.

*Multiple paper submissions

An individual is not permitted to present more than one paper (it is allowed to be a co-author in more papers, as long as one is not presenting those). Once the papers have been marked up, all those who submitted multiple proposals and had those accepted will have to email conference(at) and inform us which paper(s) they wish to withdraw. If one of your multiples got accepted and another was set to transfer, we will withdraw the transfer paper on your behalf.

EASA membership

Signing up for the membership and paying the membership fee is a separate process from conference registration.

All authors and panel convenors must be members of EASA (during 2024) by the time they register and have paid their subscription before the conference, but one does not have to be a member when proposing a panel/paper and have it accepted. There will be a financial incentive to become an EASA member for all delegates, as non-members will pay a higher registration fee. Read more about membership categories here.

If you are presenting at the conference and hence obliged to join EASA, but are not an anthropologist nor working within anthropology, please email membership(at) to request special guest status. Special guest status is not a membership, so the non-member (conference) registration rates would apply.

N.B. If you are a former member of EASA but your membership has lapsed, please log in to request a membership renewal. Please do not make another application for membership! 

Once logged in (top right of this page), click the Logged in drop-down menu and select Memberships. Click on EASA, rejoin, and select the correct category from the drop-down menu.

Length of panels

As per previous practice EASA2024 will continue to have panel sessions of 105 minutes and panels will be limited to a maximum of TWO consecutive 105-minute sessions, each of which can hold a maximum of five papers. The conference can thus accept more, shorter panels giving more choice to both paper proposers and delegates. Consequently panel convenors may accept a maximum of ten papers in their panel. However, accepting four papers per session is acceptable.

Convenor responsibilities

It is the convenors' responsibility to ensure that all panel participants are well briefed and that the panel continues to meet EASA's requirements. To that end, convenors should not only communicate their decisions over paper proposals as detailed below, but also later in the process, email the panelists to: inform them of the speaking order (albeit this is displayed on the public panel page), inform them as to how much time they have been allocated, remind them to register (each author’s registration status can be seen in the convenor’s login environment), inform them of any late changes or additional chairs/discussants, and give any other information related to the panel. If panelists withdraw convenors should mark these withdrawals in the panel management page to inform the organisers.

Pre-circulation of papers

EASA has no rule about this; however many convenors are keen to pre-circulate either completed papers or pre-recorded presentations. To facilitate this authors can upload PDFs of their papers within the system, which will then show as a downloadable file beneath their abstract on the public panel page on this site; alternatively they can insert a link to their pre-recording (on their own YouTube/Vimeo channel) and this can be made visible just to delegates. It is your choice whether you instruct your presenters to make use of this.

Online contributions

Contributors to online (only) panels must ensure that they have a strong enough connection to present online. If this is not the case, it is possible to ask them to send a recording of their presentation; this can also be done as “in case” the internet connection has problems on the day, or any other tech issues they may be having from home. They can either share this directly with you, or get in touch with the conference admins on conference(at) to organise transfer.

Communication between authors/convenors

While convenor/author email addresses are not displayed on the panel pages for privacy reasons, the in-built secure email messaging system allows site visitors to email convenors with queries.

How to share your panel page with others 

Click on the panel header to expand the panel details and then click on the circular share icon to find different options: email, Twitter, etc. 


We'd ask participants to ensure maximum accessibility wherever possible. See our guidelines.

Anti-harassment policy and how to report harassment

Reports of harassment can be made via electronic channels or made in person at the 'purple point' in the NomadIT office. See our guidelines.

Distribution of papers over sessions

No panel session should include more than five papers, but can include fewer - this is a convenor decision. For example, a panel with seven accepted can be split over two sessions as 5+2 or as 3+4, etc. We will request convenors to indicate how they want to divide the papers in the ‘Requested timing’ field in the system. Convenors should allot each presenter a maximum of 15+5 minutes for panels of five papers, but 20+5 minutes for panels of four papers.

Logging in to look up the fate of your paper

We have asked convenors to email authors about their decisions after the call for papers deadline (22 January 2024), but sometimes emails fail (or humans do), so you can check your paper acceptance status by logging into the system from the conference website (see the Log in link with the human head icon in the top right of your screen). Once logged in, click on the Logged in drop-down menu, select Conferences, select the conference from the drop down menu called ‘current’, and find the conference paper to check its status. If it says ‘pending’, the decision is yet to be made. Accepted/rejected speak for themselves and you can read more below as to what ‘transfer’ means.

Authors can use this same Log in space to edit their proposals as well as their personal details (add new institution, correct a spelling error etc.) - see next item.

How to update your contact information

Log in from the Log in link top-right in the toolbar above and once logged in, click Logged In and Manage Account in the drop-down. You can add both a short bio and an avatar.

Number of sessions

Each panel will be allocated an appropriate number of 105 minute sessions based on how many papers it accepts: up to five papers gets one session; six-ten papers gets two sessions. A handful of panels receiving a very large number of papers may be permitted to accept 15 papers (three sessions). All roundtables will run for one session.

Paper transfer process

Papers which are neither accepted nor rejected, but marked for 'transfer', will be given the opportunity to be rehoused into other panels. The conference organisers will contact the authors of the ‘transfer’ proposals asking them to modify their abstracts to fit another panel of their choosing from a list of those with space for additional papers (panels with fewer than the allowed maximum of ten papers).

The authors will then inform us of a single panel they wish to apply to. We then forward the title, short and long abstract to the panel convenors asking them to consider the proposal. If rejected, the proposal will then be set to 'rejected'.

If the proposal is accepted, we will inform the authors and ask them to edit the proposal on the system to match the edited abstract sent to the convenors; this is not done automatically.

We aim to resolve all transfers by the beginning of May.

Adding co-authors, co-convenors, chairs and discussants

If you did not specify colleagues when proposing the panel/paper, you can add them through the system. You can do this by clicking on the green ‘add convenor/author/discussant/chair’ button at the bottom of each list of participants and adding their name in the box that appears. Remember to click on the green ‘save’ on the right hand side, or the bottom of the page, in order to save your changes.

Participants will appear as ‘proposed’ and not be visible on the public programme until they create an account and accept their role via the email sent to them.

If you have difficulties with this, please email the conference administrators with names and email addresses and role they’ll play, and we will email them a request to add their details so we can add them to your content.