Call for Laboratories

The call is now closed!

NOTE: EASA2024 will be a dual conference; conveners may propose online or face-to-face Labs.

The EASA Labs will enact a space where the conference’s theme can be explored in a more experimental register. What can we do and undo with anthropology? What needs to be done, and undone, to survive and even thrive in the contemporary moment? Whom can we engage in these multiple un/doings? The Labs will make space for approaching these and other questions through multimodal and multisensorial work, experimental collaborations, experiential and affective workshops, interdisciplinary dialogues, and other inventive formats. We are particularly interested in receiving proposals that explore new configurations for the anthropological professional meeting, its methods and tools, and its knowledge exchange and production practices.

The Labs will also provide an opportunity to emplace the conference’s rubric in the local context, beyond the conference’s main venue. One of the priorities of the curatorial team is for the conference to engage with the city of Barcelona and its many dwellers - human and other-than-human - in creative and non-extractive ways. In this sense, we encourage Lab conveners to explore venues, institutions and/or local groups open to collaboration, as well as to devise activities that can take place in public space, such as soundwalks, workshops, performances, urban drifts, etc. The curatorial team will aim to provide adequate accompaniment so that proposals may respond sensibly to the local context.

Last but not least, online Labs are strongly encouraged. Here we would like to see innovative approaches to gathering in the digital domain. The conference has access to standard online meeting platforms, but we are open to proposals that bring their own infrastructure and/or combine synchronous and asynchronous activities.

Seeking to provide equal conditions and visibility, as a general rule labs will be scheduled alongside panels, during the morning slots. Exceptionally, where relevant, labs may be organised in the evening, after the plenaries.

Proposals must contain:

  • a title for the Lab
  • the name/s and email address/es of the convenor/s
  • modality (online or f2f)
  • a short abstract (fewer than 300 characters)
  • a long abstract (fewer than 250 words). The long abstract should outline the Lab's objectives, methods, and procedures. Please indicate if there is a maximum number of participants and whether pre-registration will be required.  
    • technical requirements (include any technological, material and logistical questions necessary for the Lab)
    • venue/location (please detail any requirements, as well as any pre-agreements reached with relevant groups/institutions)

Curators: Isaac Marrero Guillamón (UB, main point of contact), Blanca Callén (UAB), Mafe Moscoso (BAU), Tomás Criado (UOC).