Message posted on 15/11/2023

New book announcement: Anthropological Approaches to Reading Migrant Writing

Dear Mobility Digest editors,

I have trimmed this and am hoping you can now list this announcement. I di=
d not include the discount flyer.

Anthropological Approaches to Reading Migrant Writing: Reimagining Ethnogra=
phic Methods, Knowledge, and Power
Edited By Deborah Reed-Danahay and Helena Wulff
This book brings fresh perspectives to the anthropology of migration. It fo=
cuses on what migrants write and how anthropologists may incorporate insigh=
ts gained from engagement with this writing into research methods and writi=
ng practices. This book will serve as important supplemental reading for co=
urses on migration, literary anthropology, ethnographic methods, and socioc=
ultural anthropology in general. Its interdisciplinary perspective will app=
eal to a broad range of scholars and students with interests in migration, =
narrative, and anthropological writing genres.

20% Discount Available - enter the code EFL02 at checkout* This code expire=
s on 01 March 2024.

Thank you again,
Deborah Reed-Danahay
Professor of Anthropology
University at Buffalo
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