Message posted on 29/05/2024
Reminder: VANDA conference deadline June 1st
Dear friends and colleagues,
the deadline to submit a paper to the VANDA conference in Vienna (from
September 23-26) ends on June 1st. I would like to remind you to take a look
at our panel 39. Images as
Evidence (of what)? The Body at the Intersection of Science and
Art which seeks to inspire
interdisciplinary dialogue at the intersection of Medical and Visual
Anthropology, Medicine and the Arts.
We are looking forward to contributions in diverse formats, including
collaborative and experimental projects.
Images as evidence (of what)? The Body at the Intersection of Science and Art
Conveners: Sophie
WAGNER, Barbara
Scientific images of the human body hold a distinct status as being reliable
mediums, even though we often dont know, or partially ignore, what kind of
image it is and how it has been made (Canals 2020). This is true for
visualizations that serve as referential witness micro photography, x-rays,
MRI, CT-scans or endoscopic images and visual strategies that put together
data on the basis of synthesis, ordering knowledge in abstract tableaus,
transforming it into calculable figures, graphs or diagrams (Mersch 2006).
They serve as evidence in clinical decision making, as tool for governmental
practices, and legitimize policies. Bodies are dissected, screened and
measured, promising transparency (Strathern 2000), creating a sense of hyper
certainty (Fox 2000), and fostering the idea of medicine as exact science.
With this panel we aim to discuss current modes of engaging with the human
body visually, examining this framing of bodies, beings and lives in general
as calculable and predictable. We want to examine the terrain of both the
visualizations of diseases, and articulations of individual illness
experiences, which have proven to be particularly useful in supporting the
patient-doctor communication. We ask: how can we critically engage with
image-making embedded in discourses of certainty and trust? Following the
Images of Care collectives manifesto (Pieta and Favero 2023), we understand
visual culture - how we see, how we are able, allowed, or made to see, and
how we see this seeing or the unseen therein (Foster 1988:ix) as being
shaped by ongoing dialogues between biology, culture and politics. We invite
scholars and practitioners to present works, which explore bodily processes,
corporeal sensations and illness experiences. We highlight an
interdisciplinary perspective, hoping to inspire dialogue across professional
boundaries, inviting anthropologists who follow collaborative and experimental
approaches (Fortun et al. 2021), visual artists, health-care professionals,
and patient advocates.
Warm regards,
Sophie Wagner and Barbara Graf
Vaneasa mailing list
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the deadline to submit a paper to the VANDA conference in Vienna (from
September 23-26) ends on June 1st. I would like to remind you to take a look
at our panel 39. Images as
Evidence (of what)? The Body at the Intersection of Science and
Art which seeks to inspire
interdisciplinary dialogue at the intersection of Medical and Visual
Anthropology, Medicine and the Arts.
We are looking forward to contributions in diverse formats, including
collaborative and experimental projects.
Images as evidence (of what)? The Body at the Intersection of Science and Art
Conveners: Sophie
WAGNER, Barbara
Scientific images of the human body hold a distinct status as being reliable
mediums, even though we often dont know, or partially ignore, what kind of
image it is and how it has been made (Canals 2020). This is true for
visualizations that serve as referential witness micro photography, x-rays,
MRI, CT-scans or endoscopic images and visual strategies that put together
data on the basis of synthesis, ordering knowledge in abstract tableaus,
transforming it into calculable figures, graphs or diagrams (Mersch 2006).
They serve as evidence in clinical decision making, as tool for governmental
practices, and legitimize policies. Bodies are dissected, screened and
measured, promising transparency (Strathern 2000), creating a sense of hyper
certainty (Fox 2000), and fostering the idea of medicine as exact science.
With this panel we aim to discuss current modes of engaging with the human
body visually, examining this framing of bodies, beings and lives in general
as calculable and predictable. We want to examine the terrain of both the
visualizations of diseases, and articulations of individual illness
experiences, which have proven to be particularly useful in supporting the
patient-doctor communication. We ask: how can we critically engage with
image-making embedded in discourses of certainty and trust? Following the
Images of Care collectives manifesto (Pieta and Favero 2023), we understand
visual culture - how we see, how we are able, allowed, or made to see, and
how we see this seeing or the unseen therein (Foster 1988:ix) as being
shaped by ongoing dialogues between biology, culture and politics. We invite
scholars and practitioners to present works, which explore bodily processes,
corporeal sensations and illness experiences. We highlight an
interdisciplinary perspective, hoping to inspire dialogue across professional
boundaries, inviting anthropologists who follow collaborative and experimental
approaches (Fortun et al. 2021), visual artists, health-care professionals,
and patient advocates.
Warm regards,
Sophie Wagner and Barbara Graf
Vaneasa mailing list