17th EASA Biennial Conference
EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast
26-29 July, 2022

EASA2022 Belfast - Film programme

22 accepted films as list 4 days 12 sessions

Film programme 8

Thursday 28 July
Film Screening + Q/A: 11:15-13:15
LIVE Q/A: 13:00

Hálfur Álfur

(Half Elf)

2020 | 64’ | Iceland / Iceland
Jón Bjarki Magnússon

Hulda and Trausti have shared a roof on Icelandic shores for over seventy years. Her love of books is matched by his love of stones. When he bursts out singing, she begs him to stop screaming, when he tells her he wants to change his name to “Elf” she warns his family will abandon him. Now, as his one hundredth birthday nears and Trausti senses the hand of death upon him he is on a quest to find the coffin that can carry this elf back to the mysteries beyond…. Meanwhile, Hulda retreats into a world of poetry with the help of an electric magnifying glass. Half Elf is a modern Icelandic fairy-tale, where life is celebrated – despite everything, despite ourselves and despite the reality that awaits all of us in the end.



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