Message posted on 13/05/2024

Call for two PhD researchers - The Circumference of Violence project, University of Bern

Dear all,

I=92m delighted to share this call for two full-time PhD researchers to joi=
n the new project - The Circumference of Violence - Tracing the normalisat=
ion and brutalisation of violence across Europe=92s shifting external borde=
rs - I=92m leading at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the Universi=
ty of Bern. The deadline for the application is 31 May 2024. The PhD positi=
ons are planned for four years, starting on 1 September 2024.

The Circumference of Violence project explores the transformations of the m=
odalities of border violence against migrants across the EU=92s external bo=
rders, and the multi-scalar political and legal processes that have shaped =

Focusing on three key border zones =96 Greece-Turkey; Hungary-Serbia; Polan=
d-Belarus, while comparing these case to other border areas such as Italy-L=
ibya-Tunisia and Spain-Morocco - the research will seek to analyse the prac=
tices and interactions between actors directly engaged in perpetrating or c=
ontesting border violence in the selected border zones and then trace backw=
ards the multi-scalar (mainly national and EU) political and legal processe=
s shaping these localized practices. The forensic reconstruction of cases o=
f death and violations, developed in collaboration with the Border Forensic=
s agency (, will play an essential role in our research=

Please share this call with students you think might be interested in this =
opportunity. Qualifications should include:

o MA in Social Anthropology or Geography or related disciplines, with a foc=
us on migration and border studies, as well as the study of legal and polit=
ical processes.

o Experience in working with qualitative methods and ethnographic field wor=
k, as well as a demonstratable capacity to experiment with the use of a bro=
ad range of visual and spatial methods, as well as quantitative methods

o Good knowledge of the selected border zones and the actors operating ther=

o An interest in creative theoretical thinking

You will find the complete call attached. For further details on the Circum=
ference of Violence project see here:

Allow me to take this opportunity to also flag out this project for other P=
hDs, post docs and other researchers, human rights activists and cultural p=
roducers. If the project resonates with your own interests and you=92d like=
to think with us as we engage with our research on the transformations of =
violence at the borders of Europe, you are welcome to reach out.

Best to all,

Charles Heller
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