Message posted on 27/08/2024

New open access book: Travel Behaviour Reconsidered in an Era of Decarbonisation (UCL Press)

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UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a new open access boo= k that may be of interest to list subscribers Travel Behaviour Reconsidered= in an Era of Decarbonisation by David Metz. Download it free:

Travel Behaviour Reconsidered in an Era of Decarbonisation David Metz Free download:

The transport system is central to our lives as our means to travel, but al= so has major impact on our environment. This has become most salient in rec= ent years through its contribution to climate change. However, this perspec= tive has only had a minor impact on the conventional economic analysis and = modelling of transport investments, creating a dissonance between the tradi= tional objectives of investment and the strategic need to reduce carbon emi= ssions to Net Zero by 2050.

Travel Behaviour Reconsidered in an Era of Decarbonisation argues that our = transport networks are mature, and the objective should be to improve opera= tional efficiency. Over the past half century, large public expenditures in= roads and railways were justified by an analytic approach to the benefits = of investment, primarily the value of the time saved through faster travel,= to both business and non-business users of the networks. However, average = travel time has not changed over this period. People have taken the benefit= of faster travel as better access to people, places, activities and servic= es, with the ensuing enhanced opportunities and choices. This book argues t= hat the basis of orthodox transport economic analysis has been misconceived= and a fresh perspective on economic analysis is now needed.

Free download: | @uclpress

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