Message posted on 28/08/2024

IMISCOE 2025 CfP Challenging the norms from the margins: migrants’ practices of (counter)culture

Dear colleagues,

In view of the next IMISCOE conference to be held in Paris in July 2025, we= are collecting papers for the panel below. For those interested in present= ing a paper in this panel, please send us ( an= d a 250-word abstract along with the name(s), affiliat= ion(s), and contact details of the author(s) by15/9/2024 at the latest. Thanks and best wishesElsa & Susan=C2=A0"Challenging the norms from the mar= gins: migrants=E2=80=99 practices of (counter)culture"This panel aims to ex= plore how migrants challenge normative standards and introduce alternative = ways of living and belonging in particular contexts through their cultural = practices, focusing on three main areas: art, health, and food. The panel w= ill examine: 1) How do migrants use visual arts, music or performance to ch= allenge dominant cultural narratives and forms of artistic production? How = does migrant artistic production function as a platform for political engag= ement to challenge mainstream notions of citizenship, representation and in= clusion? 2) How do migrants navigate health systems that may not be respons= ive to their needs and understandings of health and well-being? How do they= adapt or create alternative health practices that integrate diverse knowle= dge with health norms in their host countries? 3) How do migrants=E2=80=99 = food practices articulate with new environments and local discourses on foo= d and health? How does food become a site of political action, from resista= nce to food insecurity to the creation of alternative food networks? Drawin= g on empirical research and initiatives from a variety of sites, we explore= how these practices, developed in a field of opportunities and constraints= and often from marginalised social positions, reshape broader forms of pol= itical participation and the (re)production of family and community. (Count= er)cultures emerge as spaces for political action and collective struggle, = for enacting agency and resilience, for fostering new forms of belonging, f= or contributing to place-making and social inclusion, and offer the possibi= lity of thinking a more nuanced perspective on diversity and innovation bey= ond the dialectics of heritage/authenticity and hybridisation/fusion Organisers: Susan Beth Rottmann=C2=A0Associate Professor of AnthropologySocial Sciences= Faculty=C3=96zye=C4=9Fin UniversityIstanbul, Turkey=C2=A0susan.rottmann@oz= Elsa MescoliAssociate Professor of AnthropologySocial Sciences FacultyUnive= rsity of Li=C3=A8ge,

Elsa Mescoli Charg=C3=A9e de cours en Anthropologie des migrations CEDEM - Centre d=E2=80=99=C3=A9tudes de l=E2=80=99ethnicit=C3=A9 et des mig= rationsLASC - Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle Universit=C3=A9 de Li=C3=A8ge, Facult=C3=A9 des Sciences Sociales Place des orateurs 3 (Quartier Agora), b=C3=A2t. 31, bte 24 4000 Li=C3=A8ge - Belgique T=C3=A9l. : 00 32 4 366 30 51 .be/simple-search?query=3Dmescoli =20

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