Message posted on 09/07/2024

[ONLINE lecture] July 17 (10am, CET)/17:00 (KST) “Current status and policy response to migrant integration and multiculturalism in Korea” by Prof. In-Jin Yoon (Korea University)

Dear members,

We are organizing our last lecture as a part of Research Forum
=E2=80=9CDiversifying Immigrant Societies in (East) Asia=E2=80=9D by the In=
stitute of East
Asian Studies (IN-EAST) in the University of Duisburg-Essen. This forum is
co-organized with collaborative research project QuaMaFA (Qualification and
Skill in the Migration =C2=ADProcess of Foreign Workers in Asia) funded by =
Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany (BMBF). Prof. Yoon will
give a talk entitled =E2=80=9CCurrent status and policy response to migrant
integration and multiculturalism in Korea=E2=80=9D on *1**7**th Ju**ly** 20=
24*, *10*
*:00** (am/CET) / 1**7**:00 (**KS**T) ONLINE*.

You can join this lecture via Zoom (registration):

Look forward to seeing you all online!


The current status of migrant integration in Korea seems to be far from
ideal. The human rights violations against migrants remain common in the
workplace and everyday life. The public=E2=80=99s perception and attitudes =
migrants have changed from paternalism to apathy, and is deteriorating to
the level of hatred toward certain groups. Korean adults' multicultural
acceptance increased from 2010 to 2015, but has continued to decline since
then. The level of social integration of migrant workers and married
immigrant women, which are representative groups of migrants in Korea, is
not high in both material and psychological aspects. Migrant workers have a
high employment rate, but they work long hours in low-skilled, low-wage
work, are exposed to non-payment or delayed payment of wages and physical
and verbal violence, and their labor rights are greatly restricted. They
cannot bring their families, and their opportunities to acquire permanent
residency and nationality are greatly limited, so they are not subject to
social integration. Marriage migrant women tend to have low employment
rates, employment stability, and income due to their low age and education
level, ability to understand Korean language and culture, the large age and
cultural gap with their husbands, and the burden of childbirth and
childcare. They are also dependent on their husbands because they need
their consent when applying for permanent residency and nationality. The
language and culture of their home country are not respected and they are
under strong pressure to assimilate into Korean culture.


In-Jin Yoon is a professor of Sociology at Korea University and the
director of the Korea University Library. He earned his Ph.D. in Sociology
from the University of Chicago and taught in the Asian American Studies
Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research
interests include social psychology, international migration, immigration
policy, and overseas Koreans and Korean diaspora. He is the author of On My
Own: Korean Businesses and Race Relations in America, Korean Diaspora,
North Korean Migrants, International Migration and Multiculturalism in
Northeast Asia.

This event is partially funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF) and co-organized with the IN-EAST.
Dr. Aimi Muranaka (=E6=9D=91=E4=B8=AD =E3=81=82=E3=81=84=E3=81=BF=EF=BC=89
Post-doc/ Research Associate
Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen
Tel (Germany): +49 203 379-2166
Research project website:
*Latest publications:*
Muranaka, Aimi (2024): "Being a Foreigner During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Researcher Positionality in Online Interviews". *Forum Qualitative
Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research*, *25*(1).
Muranaka, Aimi (2023): "'Framing' and 'Packaging' of Foreign Skilled
Workers: Diversity of the Intermediary Actors in the Cross-Border Labour
Market Between Japan and Vietnam". *Globalizations*. DOI:
Tran, Huy An and Aimi Muranaka (2022): "Editorial - Transnational Flows of
Contemporary Asia: Trends and Futures". *The German Journal on Contemporary
Asia*. 162/163: 7-14.
Muranaka, Aimi (2022): "Brokerage in the cross-border labour market:
Recruitment and training of Vietnamese IT workers by Japanese temporary
staffing firms". *Asian Studies Review. *46(4): 578-596. DOI:
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