Message posted on 26/02/2024
Fwd: Welcome to Images of Care Collective
Dear Colleagues,
*With this email we are finally launching the Images of Care Collective.*
It is intended to be a space curated for, and by, anthropologists,
image-makers, healthcare practitioners and anyone else with an interest for
or an experience with matters of care and its entanglements with
imagination, images and technologies of vision. A dialogue that can
responsibly hint at an emergent future scenario of human and
more-than-human care.
Moving beyond oversimplifying distinctions between researchers and
practitioners as well as between visual and text-based work, we aim to
bring together everyone who is eager to experiment with manifold ways in
which visual approaches, methods and techniques can help reimagine and
responsibly intervene in current relations of (more-than-human) care.
Acknowledging the productivity of care as an “unstable concept” (Buch 2015)
and united around Hal Fosters definition of visual culture as a terrain
characterized by dialogues between biology, culture and politics (“how we
see, how we are able, allowed, or made to see, and how we see this seeing
or the unseen therein”) we hope to provide a platform for a collective
interrogation of visual assumptions - tacit or explicit- that shape
manifold ways in which we craft the stories of illness and other forms of
suffering as well as of healing, caregiving, care-receiving, death and
126 researchers, artists, journal editors and practitioners have responded
to our first call to join the Images of Care Collective. We are in awe not
only of this enormous response but also of the amazing projects run by
those who have decided to subscribe to the mailing list. Following up on
that first response we invite all members of the list to introduce
themselves and their work on and through the list so that we can get to
know each other and inaugurate what promises to be a very exciting and
impactful exchange.
What follows below are the proposals on how else you can contribute to the
thriving of this Collective:
# Join the Collective’s Working Team
We are currently looking for website curators and media coordinators who
will help us run the collective. If you would like to help us build the
website (including the repository of the Collective’s members), set up and
run Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram account, or if you have other ideas
on how you can join our curatorial efforts, please let us know (our e-mails
are below). We invite everyone regardless of their degree of expertise!
#Living Archive
To kick off with the initiative, we have created a reference list of visual
essays (ethnographic films and other visual formats) that engage with
questions of care and related topics. The link to the list is here:
Please help us shape this living archive by adding other related works. To
add the new items, please contact the Living Archive Curator, Martina
Laganà (laganamartina(at)!
# Webinar series on Images, Ageing and Care
Join us for the monthly webinar series organized by the Images of Care
Collective together with AAGE, AgeNet and VANEASA. Last week we have hosted
a wonderful webinar by Inge Daniels. Please stay tuned for the next
webinars in the line: with Roger Canals in February, Erica Monde in March,
Esca van Blarikom in April and Jon Wagner in May. For details and dates
check here .
Other news:
# Gestures of Care at Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel (MEN)
The Images of Care Collective has been invited to help prepare the section
on the invisibility of unpaid care work. It is now available to visitors at
the Ethnography Museum of Neuchâtel (MEN), Switzerland, as a part of the
temporary exhibition Cargo Cults Unlimited
until December 31.2024). The section has been inspired by the ethnographic
stories contributed by Jason Danely, Harsha Menon, Motohide Miyahara, Peggy
Perkinson, Matthew Lariviere, Cristina Douglas, Mike Poltorak, Nicoletta
Isaar, Sophie Wagner, Martina Laganà, Paolo Favero and Barbara Pieta.
Thank you to all the contributors for sharing their work!
# Forthcoming Publication
At the end of this year we will open the call for papers for the
publication on the topic of visuality and care. Please stay tuned!
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Barbara Pieta, Martina Laganà and Paolo Favero (Images of Care Collective)
Vaneasa mailing list
view formatted text
*With this email we are finally launching the Images of Care Collective.*
It is intended to be a space curated for, and by, anthropologists,
image-makers, healthcare practitioners and anyone else with an interest for
or an experience with matters of care and its entanglements with
imagination, images and technologies of vision. A dialogue that can
responsibly hint at an emergent future scenario of human and
more-than-human care.
Moving beyond oversimplifying distinctions between researchers and
practitioners as well as between visual and text-based work, we aim to
bring together everyone who is eager to experiment with manifold ways in
which visual approaches, methods and techniques can help reimagine and
responsibly intervene in current relations of (more-than-human) care.
Acknowledging the productivity of care as an “unstable concept” (Buch 2015)
and united around Hal Fosters definition of visual culture as a terrain
characterized by dialogues between biology, culture and politics (“how we
see, how we are able, allowed, or made to see, and how we see this seeing
or the unseen therein”) we hope to provide a platform for a collective
interrogation of visual assumptions - tacit or explicit- that shape
manifold ways in which we craft the stories of illness and other forms of
suffering as well as of healing, caregiving, care-receiving, death and
126 researchers, artists, journal editors and practitioners have responded
to our first call to join the Images of Care Collective. We are in awe not
only of this enormous response but also of the amazing projects run by
those who have decided to subscribe to the mailing list. Following up on
that first response we invite all members of the list to introduce
themselves and their work on and through the list so that we can get to
know each other and inaugurate what promises to be a very exciting and
impactful exchange.
What follows below are the proposals on how else you can contribute to the
thriving of this Collective:
# Join the Collective’s Working Team
We are currently looking for website curators and media coordinators who
will help us run the collective. If you would like to help us build the
website (including the repository of the Collective’s members), set up and
run Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram account, or if you have other ideas
on how you can join our curatorial efforts, please let us know (our e-mails
are below). We invite everyone regardless of their degree of expertise!
#Living Archive
To kick off with the initiative, we have created a reference list of visual
essays (ethnographic films and other visual formats) that engage with
questions of care and related topics. The link to the list is here:
Please help us shape this living archive by adding other related works. To
add the new items, please contact the Living Archive Curator, Martina
Laganà (laganamartina(at)!
# Webinar series on Images, Ageing and Care
Join us for the monthly webinar series organized by the Images of Care
Collective together with AAGE, AgeNet and VANEASA. Last week we have hosted
a wonderful webinar by Inge Daniels. Please stay tuned for the next
webinars in the line: with Roger Canals in February, Erica Monde in March,
Esca van Blarikom in April and Jon Wagner in May. For details and dates
check here .
Other news:
# Gestures of Care at Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel (MEN)
The Images of Care Collective has been invited to help prepare the section
on the invisibility of unpaid care work. It is now available to visitors at
the Ethnography Museum of Neuchâtel (MEN), Switzerland, as a part of the
temporary exhibition Cargo Cults Unlimited
until December 31.2024). The section has been inspired by the ethnographic
stories contributed by Jason Danely, Harsha Menon, Motohide Miyahara, Peggy
Perkinson, Matthew Lariviere, Cristina Douglas, Mike Poltorak, Nicoletta
Isaar, Sophie Wagner, Martina Laganà, Paolo Favero and Barbara Pieta.
Thank you to all the contributors for sharing their work!
# Forthcoming Publication
At the end of this year we will open the call for papers for the
publication on the topic of visuality and care. Please stay tuned!
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Barbara Pieta, Martina Laganà and Paolo Favero (Images of Care Collective)
Vaneasa mailing list