Message posted on 26/08/2024

Vacancy: Three PhD positions in multispecies ERC project

Dear colleagues,

Three 3 Ph.D. positions (4 years, full time) are opening at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Liège (ULiege) in a collective research project that explores intuitive interspecies communication and the collaboration with animal communicators and Indigenous knowledge holders in the development of novel multispecies methods.

Please find a link to the call

here, and feel free to distribute wherever you see fit.

With kind regards,

-- Vanessa Wijngaarden Research professor, Lab of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Liège Sr. research associate, Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg

Latest publications: Interviewing animals through animal communicators

(Society and Animals) Q sorting with non-reading participants

(Operant Subjectivity) Osotua and decolonizing the academe (Curriculum Perspectives)

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