Message posted on 23/08/2024

CFF: Riga Pasaules Film Festival


Riga Pasaules Film Festival is opening its call for films for its 12th edition, to be held at Kino Bize from April 23 to 27, 2025.

The festival’s curating team is calling for documentary films that engage with “play” as an approach to filmmaking and as a theme of inquiry. We are interested in films that capture the ways in which life is constituted through play. Our approach is informed by ideas that consider the creative process as simultaneously ludic and serious, real and fantastic, pleasurable and productive, structured and free.

We are also interested in the performative aspects of play, where players wilfully engage with each other through pre-established conventions in the process of constructing a project for their future.

Ultimately, we are interested in the ways in which filmic realities are constructed through forms of play. We seek films with distinctive setup or rules, or a triggering gesture that sets the way for the spectator to enter the worlds of the film.

Visit our FilmFreeway page for submission information:

NB: RPFF 2025 has a 3 EUR submission fee.

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