Message posted on 17/04/2024

Vacancy: PhD Position in Visual Anthropology

Dear friends,

The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Vienna is advertising a PhD Position in Visual Anthropology (for 4 years, 30 hours per week) in Manuela Ciotti’s ERC project “The anthropology of the future: an art world perspective” (ANTHROFUTURE). The PhD will be supervised by Manuela Ciotti and Sanderien Verstappen.

Application deadline is May 26th, 2024:

(job-ID in univie career center: 2383)

The PhD research will result in an ethnographic film, articles, and an introduction/discussion, following the Guidelines concerning doctoral theses (Link) of the Social Sciences Directorate of Doctoral Studies of the University of Vienna. The guidelines were recently amended to recognize a film at equal level as an academic article.

If you can share the announcement in your networks, we will be grateful.

Best wishes,

Sanderien Verstappen


Sanderien Verstappen
Vienna Visual Anthropology Lab
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
University of Vienna


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