Message posted on 19/04/2024

Workshop - Embodied Documentary Filmmaking - May

Dear all, due to requests after a fully booked March workshop, we have
opened a second documentary filmmaking workshop in May on embodiment and
the body in documentary.
Thank you,


*The Stories Our Bodies Hold: 4 Sundays in May, 7-9 pm BST (UK time),
*(for women, trans, and nonbinary participants)*

*Embodied Documentary Filmmaking* is an evolving, creative process
developed as part of IMPRINT Documentary Collective's ongoing experimental
research exploring the convergence of the body politic, somatic practices
and experimental filmmaking in documentary.

The Stories Our Bodies Hold is an interactive, online, 4 week filmmaking
workshop where participants will make their own short documentary on their
own (or another's) embodied experience of a topic of their choosing.
Previous films in this workshop have explored topics of dreams, movement,
gender, disability, race, illness, dance, age, sexuality, food, culture,
and relationships to nature. The workshop will create a space for
collective experimentation with filmmaking techniques that focus on
embodiment and the body, with a small group of no more than 12 participants
from all over the world.

Up to 12 spaces are available on a sliding scale basis at the links below:
The Stories Our Bodies Hold - Book here

*During the workshops, we will collectively explore the main areas of
documentary filmmaking through an experimental embodied lens:*

- Pre-Production: How can we discover stories for documentary from
within our bodies themselves?
- Directing: How can our bodies somatically, sensorially, and
emotionally inform the stories we want to tell? How can these stories be
both personal and political?
- Filming: How do we position or visualise the body, or create a
representation of our bodies' experience of the world, with a camera?
- Editing: How can we construct bodily-informed, intuitive, and
alternative narrative structures for our films?
- Distribution: Where do we want our films to be seen, and what social,
political, and personal impact do we want our films to have?

*These workshops are suitable for participants of all filmmaking levels,
from absolute beginner to professional. Participants must have access to
their own camera (DSLR, analogue camera, smartphone, etc.) and a simple
editing software. Filmmakers, artists, researchers, academics, and students
are all welcome to join. The workshops are for gender minority (women,
trans, and nonbinary people) participants only.*

IMPRINT Documentary Collective is an international feminist film collective
focusing on embodiment and the body in documentary film. Founded in 2021,
IMPRINT delivers workshops, productions, and screenings to collectively
experiment with the theme of embodiment as a process for making films. Our
collaborations both within the film industry and local communities have
allowed us to reach a wide audience on the potential of *embodied
documentary, *and our goal is to broaden the representation of marginalised
storytellers by using the documentary medium as an act of radical and
empathic resistance through the lens of the body politic.

IMPRINT Documentary Collective
*Embodied Documentary Filmmaking*
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