Message posted on 13/07/2024

Invitation: Sensory Immersion in Transylvania - Film and Anthropology Summer Program

Dear Vaneasa Community,


We invite interestedmembers to apply for Transylvania International Film Academy, with thetheme Sensory Immersion in Transylvania - Film and Anthropology byPractice.

The program will takeplace in Sibiu - Romania, between the 24th of August and the 7th ofSeptember 2024.

TransylvaniaInternational Film Academy is a new summer program that bridgesDocumentary, Docu-Fiction and Visual Anthropology in Sibiu, a complexrealm historically suspended between the Carpathian Mountains and theTransylvanian High Plain.

The practical needs of present and future humanity proved that best-practiceVisual Anthropology and Human Centric Sciences tremendously enrich Filmmakers.

Just as much, SocialResearchers are supported by high-quality Cinema and Video Storytellingskillsets.  
The off-line program is completed by on-line post-production sessions. During theCineimpact Summer Film Academy, successful applicants learn to optimally createnew projects or develop existing documentary/hybrid films. They are guided intoa transdisciplinary method that explores the complementary relationshipsbetween Cinema and Social Sciences, Documentary Filmmaking and VisualAnthropology, Non-Fiction Transmedia and Multimodal Ethnography. Thoseselected will benefit from a personalized preparatory phase of the course.
You are welcome to apply if interested in developing further your research andfilmmaking skills through the empowering merge of Sensory Filmmaking andVisual Anthropology. Cineimpact Academy programs have explored numerouschallenging themes in countries such as Romania, Spain, Italy, andcreatively developed since 2014 students from over 20countries.  Scholarships are offered to deserving candidates.

Details and Registration:  TransylvaniaInternational Film Academy 2024

We would appreciate if you share the program information with your interestedcontacts and colleagues. 

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Transylvania International Film Academy 2024

CINEIMPACT – International Film Academy invites you to SENSORY IMMERSION IN TRANSYLVANIA Film & Anthropology By ...



Best wishes,
Alina MatacheProgram ManagerMobile: 0040720002903Website: 
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