Message posted on 18/07/2024

Visual Trust Coffee Reception - EASA2024 Barcelona

Dear all,
Within the programme of the EASA2024, the research team of the ERC project
"VISUAL TRUST. Reliability, accountability and forgery in scientific,
religious and social images" (2021-2026, PI: Roger Canals, University of
Barcelona) is happy to invite you for an informal coffee reception at its
Laboratory. This event will be the occasion to personally meet the members
of this on-going research project and to share ideas and thoughts about our
mutual investigations and interests. It will be an opportunity to get to
know other scholars interested in similar topics too. No registration
required. The event is in the main programme of the conference. If you have
any questions, please write to:
Day: 25 of July
Time: 13:30h-14:30h
Place: Room 3121, Faculty of Geography and History, 3rd Floor
Feel free to circulate.
Best wishes,
Visual Trust Research Team
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