Message posted on 07/10/2023

Gestures of Care and questions

Dear all,

With some delay Barbara Pieta and myself are happy to share, also on behalf of the Neuchatel Ethnography Museum, a call for ethnographic stories (vignettes, photographs, videos) on gestures of care.

Indeed, as the deadline is approaching (9 October), we want with this reminder to invite those of you who already have available materials to share them with us. The idea is that the Museum will use these as inspiration for producing a set of scenes on “gestures of care” that together will contribute to the installation about the invisibility of unpaid care. For more info see the document in attachment.

Thank you for considering our request! And if you have any questions or requests of clarification, feel free to contact us directy.

Warm regards,

Paolo on behalf of Barbara

======================================================= Paolo Silvio Harald Favero Professor in Visual Anthropology and Cultures Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi), University of Antwerp

Vice-Head of Dept. of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Antwerp Chair of the MA in Film Studies and Visual Culture, University of Antwerp Co-convenor of the Visual Anthropology Network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (VANEASA) Board member of the Visual Sociology Research Committee of the ISA (International Sociological Association)

Room 475 Sint-Jacobstraat 2 BE-2000 Antwerp

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