Message posted on 18/04/2024

Call for Applications: Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art 2024 | New York City

Art, Apparatus and Neural-Digital Entanglement in Cognitive Capitalism

in collaboration with Creative Time and Montez Press Radio June 17 – 26

Deadline: May 5

Faculty include Defne Ayas, Davide Balula, Suparna Choudhury, Stephanie Dinkins, Thyrza Goodeve, Lyle Ashton Harris, Isaac Julien, Liz Magic Laser, Reza Negarestani, Warren Neidich (founder/director), Alison Nguyen, Diane Severin Nguyen, Barry Schwabsky (co-director), Martha Schwendener, Mindy Seu, Anuradha Vikram, and more to be announced.

This year’s SFSIA program, “Art, Apparatus and Neural-Digital Entanglement in Cognitive Capitalism,” will map the history of artistic forms of resistance beginning with photography, through cinema, video, and other digital technics, in order to find clues on how to combat the threats that may result from new neural and brain-based technologies at our doorstep. We will throw a wide net around notions of the mind, brain and consciousness of our time, in order to capture the contemporary discourse and consider potential new forms of practical insurgency.

“Art, Apparatus and Neural-Digital Entanglement in Cognitive Capitalism” has been organized in collaboration with CTHQ, Creative Time's gathering space for art and politics, and Montez Press Radio, an experimental broadcasting and performance platform, in New York City.

Please see our website or contact for more information.

-- Sarrita Hunn, assistant director Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art

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